Life has a habit of providing many challenges. Busy work schedules, limited time and family demands can play havoc upon mental, physical and spiritual health; leaving a feeling of being drained, disconnected and even depressed. Many may start healthy eating, exercise routines, meditation or any number of healthy practices; but then crowd them out with activities and then feel the exhausting results of lack of self-care. From this place of exhaustion, it is impossible to live a vibrant life! In addition, when an inevitable change comes, like becoming an empty nester, a break up of a marriage, or even changing jobs or retiring, there is no energy left to process the transition in a healthy way.

The Goddess Boot Camp is designed to help you empower you, to enable you to reconnect and support continued connection with your vital, sexy self, and to deepen major positive change in your life. You will be led by Tammy, and supported by an intimate group of women who are all in this together! We learn, laugh, cry, and grow as we commit to growth, authenticity, confidentiality, and non-judgment.

Do You Feel:

  • Overwhelmed with a transition in your life?
  • Tired of the negative voice inside your head?
  • Worried you won’t keep up your healthy practices you started?
  • Alone with your struggles?
  • Still finding it hard to put take care of yourself?

If so, you are not alone and boot camp is for you!

If you experience any of these emotions, it’s time to take control and make a positive change for the better.

Boot Camp: How Does It Work?

The intensive six session boot camp will focus on sharing and growing in a small group setting. You will deepen your healthy practices, plus learn some new skills to help you enjoy greater physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

The course will include two field trips to help you engage your amazing vibrant self! We will draw from the techniques you already know, like meditation, yoga, and self-care and then really go deep within to activate your inner goddess and set her free! Look out!! We have a Facebook group to keep engaged and all course materials will be available on a class website.

Note: to enroll for the boot camp, you’ll need to have completed the Perfect Health Course or an approved meditation training and practice, or have been invited to join by Tammy. 

This course really is a life-changing you’ll be able to:

  • Experience deep connection with yourself and be able to maintain it.
  • Go with the flow, roll with the punches and get the best out of life.
  • Look in the mirror with love, not loathing.
  • Enjoy life to the max, no matter what. 
  • Connect with other women on the journey of self-discovery and excellence.

In addition to the boot camp sessions, you’ll also benefit from the supportive non-judgmental friendships, two great field trips, a private Facebook support group, and a private webpage which will further enhance your learning experience. 

Example Schedule

Sessions are generally held the 4th Monday of the Month at 6:30pm (except for field trips.) Given the small size of the group, we are able to reschedule as necessary to accomodate most scheduling conflicts. We will set our schedule at our first session.

Sessions are generally 2 to 2.5 hours. Field trips are sometimes longer. In general, you will want to be physically present for sessions, but on rare occaision, except for field trips, it is possible to participate online with 24 hours prior notice.


All sessions are held in the strictest confidence and without judgment. Members are invited based on their integrity and willingness to share, grow, learn, and support. Notes and recaps will be posted on the password secured website and are not to be forwarded in email or posted to the private Facebook group unless agreed upon by all parties involved.


Tuition includes:

  • Six monthly sessions (2+ hours each)
  • Recommended books, materials, and handouts
  • Private course webpage for exercises, notes, and recordings
  • Private Facebook group for continuous interaction and support
  • Refreshments during sessions (usually soup, salad, tea, and other light snacks)
  • Field trip fees
  • Celebration Dinner

Tuition is $600 for the six session course. You can choose to pay monthly (6 installments of $100) or pay $575 on or before the first session. Missed sessions can be partially made up by scheduling a private hour with me at a reduced rate of $100 (my usual rate is $160/hr.)  Field trips cannot be made up but, if possible, I will refund field trip fees that are not already committed.  You are responsible for your full course tuition, however, if you must withdraw from the course, I will refund the prorated portion of your tuition minus any materials.

Payment Options

  • Fulll amont vial PayPal ($595), venmo (@tammysteele-3, $575) or check to Tammy Steele ($575)
  • installments PayPal ($103), venmo ($100), or check ($100)

You are an amazing Goddess worthy of love, light, and joy! Let's remove all that blocks access to abundance and vibrancy! I can't wait to get started!


Goddess Boot Camp

Starting monthly Mon April 29 6:30pm
6 total sessions the 4th Monday each month*
Sessions are usually 2 hours (field trips longer)

*Schedules adjusted for holidays and conflicts